[JOB] Researcher campaigner on corporate capture & Big Tech

sam 18 Juin

Are you fed up with the power of Google, Face­book, and other Big Tech players ? Are you pas­sio­nate about tack­ling social injus­tice, eco­no­mic inequa­li­ty, and cli­mate change ? Could you be our new resear­cher and cam­pai­gner on cor­po­rate cap­ture & Big Tech ?

Cor­po­rate Europe Obser­va­to­ry (CEO) is a research and cam­pai­gn group wor­king to expose and chal­lenge the pri­vi­le­ged access and influence enjoyed by cor­po­ra­tions and their lob­by groups in EU poli­cy making.

Voir en ligne : Recrui­ting now : resear­cher cam­pai­gner on cor­po­rate cap­ture & Big Tech

Tactic asbl - Rue van Elewyck 35, 1050 Ixelles
info(arobase)tacticasbl.be - +32 2 318 07 72
TVA : BE0847.919.758
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